
Women Build 2018 – Phase 1

Habitat for Humanity Capital Region partnered with homeowner Randy, a local Lansing veteran, to replace his roof during the first week of the annual Women Build. Randy has a big heart, and has dedicated his life to being a single father of 3, service in the U.S. Army, and has recently put himself through college. Teams of volunteers came out to work on replacing his roof Monday April 30 through Friday May 4, and Randy graduated on Saturday May 5 with a Bachelor’s in Social Work. What an exciting week! Volunteers will return for phase 2 later in May to replace doors and windows, and to repair the driveway and sidewalk.

Thank you to Women Build phase 1 sponsors:
Groovy Donuts
The Cosmos
Glazed & Confused
Jack Davis
Superior Asphalt

Thank you to Women Build phase 1 volunteers:
Team Sheri/WLNS-TV6
Team Stephanie/Ameriprise
Team Jenn
Team Nicole/Fly Lansing
Kris K
Charlie B
Jeremy S
Tom M
Bill K
Ariana G
Matt W

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