A pink Women Build hard hart sits in the window frame of Carly's home during the construction.

Women Build 2024

Women Build 2024 Impact

A local family is one step closer to their dream of homeownership! This is thanks to the efforts of 96 local women and volunteers who donated their time and energy to build a new house during Habitat for Humanity Capital Region’s Women Build, May 13-17, 2024. Over 700 volunteer hours transformed every aspect of the home.

During Women Build, volunteers take action to empower other women. They assist families in building strength and stability and create homeownership opportunities in their community. In just one week, the volunteers framed interior walls, raised roof trusses, and installed windows and doors at Carly's future Habitat home!

Women Build 2024 progress from beginning to end of the week.

Future Habitat Homeowner

“Homeownership means something that’s consistent," said Carly, the future Habitat homeowner. "Nobody can tell me what to do with it or take it away. With a rental, you never really know. [What excites me the most] is to have that home base."

Carly eagerly visited the construction site throughout Women Build, thanking the volunteers for their hard work and support. Plus, she volunteered on Wednesday and Thursday alongside Crowne Plaza Lansing, LAFCU, and Delta Dental employees!

Carly, the future Habitat homeowner, volunteers at the saw during Women Build 2024

Now, Carly and her children - Donte, Amon, Judah, Malakhi, and Reagan - are one step closer to becoming first time homeowners. Upon completion of construction, Carly will purchase her home with an affordable mortgage this fall.

Community Support

Carly's home is being built as part of Habitat Capital Region’s Homeownership Program, which serves low- to moderate-income people. By participating in one day of the week-long Women Build event, each team directly supported a family’s efforts to achieve safe, affordable, healthy homeownership.

“We are amazed by the outpouring of strength and unity from the women of this community. They come together to bring about real change in the lives of our neighbors,” said Habitat Capital Region CEO, Brent Taylor, about the legacy Women Build created.

Habitat Capital Region's services are only possible by overwhelming community support in the form of financial contributions and volunteer labor. Thank you to this year’s Women Build partners and participants: WLNS TV 6, Jackson, LAFCU, Crowne Plaza Lansing, Delta Dental, and women leaders from 13 area nonprofits.

Get Involved!

You can get hands on with the project by volunteering with us! Lots of volunteer help is needed. Most construction volunteer opportunities take place during the day, Tuesday-Friday. If that is something you are able to help with, consider applying to volunteer to get started!

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